Sustainability in Reality

Blackbird Global Foundation is a nonprofit dedicated to working alongside disadvantaged communities around the world to support their efforts to modernize and improve their quality of life. Whether at a village, regional, or national level, our projects are conducted in conjunction with the 17 United Nations Sustainability Goals to ensure a lasting transformation.

The Blackbird Global Mission

Our program is based on the UN Sustainable Development Program, a call for action to globally promote prosperity while protecting the planet. Our key focus is the socioeconomic transformation of countries worldwide. From modernizing agriculture for sustained economic growth, food security, and poverty reduction to building an infrastructure and restoring energy services to power the economy, we’re doing our part to promote global prosperity.

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Rabies in Africa

Rabies is a disease known the world over.  While largely associated with animals, pets as well as wildlife, did you realize that it poses an

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Benefits of Vocational Education

In much of sub-Saharan Africa, most vocational education is informal.  While this kind of apprenticeship learning can be hugely beneficial in preserving traditional craft techniques,

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Let's Talk!

Only together can we create a stronger, more cohesive, peaceful, and prosperous society around the world.