Donation Tiers

Ant Tier -- $10-$249 range

This tier represents the foundational level donor, symbolizing collective effort and community building. Just as ants are known for their teamwork and industrious nature, we celebrate our ant level donors for their commitment to a common cause.

  • $35 funds seeds for a home garden in a food insecure location
  • $100 funds malaria test kits for a day for a HPOD in an area with high incident of vector specific disease.
  • $250 funds printing for educational materials for maternal/child care


  • Thank you letter/email!
  • Recognition on donor list in annual report
  • Subscription to monthly newsletter


Bee Tier $250-$999

Symbolizes productivity and contribution to the community. Bees are essential for pollination and maintaining ecological balance, reflecting the importance of donors at this level in supporting the initiative.

Benefits include Ant level recognition plus:

  • Personalized thank you from leadership
  • Invitation to donor appreciation event
  • Name recognition on donor wall

Access to exclusive project reports

Dolphin Tier $1,000- $4,999

Known for intelligence and social behavior, dolphins represent collaboration and communication. This tier acknowledges donors who play a significant role in fostering partnerships and outreach.

Project funded:

Lower Tier benefits Plus:

  • VIP access to events
  • Behind the scenes tour
  • Meet and Greet with leadership or beneficiaries
  • Naming opportunities
  • Advisory Board or Committee involvement

Customized Impact reports

Eagle Tier $5,000- $9,999

Represents vision and leadership. Eagles are known for their keen sight and ability to soar high, symbolizing donors who provide strategic support and guidance

Projects Funded:

All Lower tier benefits, plus

  • Exclusive donor circle membership
  • One-on-one meetings with CEO/leadership team
  • Invitation to special quarterly events
  • Recognition in press releases and annual report

Lion Tier $10,000- $24,999

Symbolizes strength and courage. Lions are often seen as leaders of the animal kingdom, reflecting the impact and influence of donors at this level in driving the project’s success.

Previous tier benefits, plus

  • Logo placement on website, materials and events
  • Speaking opportunities at events
  • Employee volunteer opportunities
  • Co-branding or cause marketing partnerships
  • Sponsorship of programs or initiatives

Seats on advisory board

Elephant Tier $25,000 and up

Represents wisdom and longevity. Elephants are revered for their intelligence and strong social bonds, making them an ideal symbol for top-tier donors who ensure the project’s sustainability and long-term impact.

All Previous tiers, Plus

  • Exclusive Experience tailored to the donor’s interest, which may include a behind the scenes look at a project funded.
  • Annual Event special recognition/award.

Let's Talk!

Only together can we create a stronger, more cohesive, peaceful, and prosperous society around the world.